
Nestled into the bustling summer destination of Bridgman, Michigan, Lost Dunes is an idyllic retreat from the pressures of city life. Surrounded by old-world Americana evidenced in every roadside produce stand, vineyard and craft boutique nearby. Lost Dunes offers the perfect location for a truly unique golf experience. Because of Lost Dunes' limited, exclusive membership, members rarely encounter other golfers during their round, encouraging players to relish the tranquility and focus singularly on each shot.

The striking setting, sensational golf, and elegant accommodations combine to offer members an exceptionally distinguished experience. The Lost Dunes experience. There are currently a limited number of membership opportunities available:

Maximum Memberships By Category: 60 Equity
  190 Non-Equity
  50 National (primary residence 150 miles or greater from club)
Membership Initiation Fees:    
  Non-Equity National
  $60,000 $29,000

Junior installment plans are available for Non-Equity Membership under age 35.

If you have questions regarding any of the above programs or if you would like to arrange a visit to Lost Dunes, please email our General Manager, Bill Korbel or contact him directly via phone at 269.465.9300.